Thursday, October 28, 2010
Farewell Nice Weather
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Rent Is Too Damn High
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Transformers 3

Monday, October 11, 2010
Columbus Day Punishment?
Because if I had a government job, I would be sleeping along with all those federal employees who don’t have to go to work today because it’s a recognized holiday. But I don’t, I work for an employer which doesn’t recognize Columbus Day as a holiday. So instead, I woke up [an hour late- not by choice, I just couldn't wake up; actually I woke up about 2 minutes before my alarm was scheduled to go off to TURN IT OFF so I could sleep for 5 more minutes which turned into an hour] dragged myself out the bed and got ready for work. As I got to work, a volunteer at the welcome desk questioned me as to whether or not I was an employee. WHAT??!!! No, I’m not an employee, I just like to show up to random workplaces on holidays because I don’t have anything better to do with my life and besides it makes me look cool.
Anyway, I got to the office and found my lovely blue box sitting on my desk. What is a blue box you ask? Well, a blue box is a very special blue box that is sent out to existing customers by the lovely folks over at 4imprint Inc. which contains free promotional item samples. This time, I received a travel mug, a pen/highlighter combo and hand sanitizer. I've also received several other samples in past blue boxes- numerous tote bags, pens, mouse pads, pencils, pocket mirrors, calculators, koozies, lunch boxes, calendars, sport bottles, mini tape measure, some very random stuff, etc etc.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
What is worse...
There is a difference between having a conversation and speaking in a soft voice because you don’t want disturb other working people and whispering because you are gossiping and you don't want other people to hear you! Guess what? I CAN STILL HEAR YOU and it's quite distracting. Take that tomfoolery out the door.