Thursday, April 8, 2010

Taxes, Pollen and some other random stuff

I owe taxes this year. I owe both the federal and state government. 13-inch MacBook Pro. Sigh. Why didn’t someone tell me I should be claiming 0 and not 1?? Arghhhhhhhh. I have immediately changed my status with HR. I will not be making the same mistake come next year. We’ll see who will be paying who next year- yes I’m talking about YOU federal and state government!

4000 grains/pores per cubic meter- that is how much pollen there is in the air right now. On a scale of 0 – 12, we are currently at 11.3 which means that people with allergy issues are pretty miserable right now. Everything is covered in pollen, EVERYTHING. Thankfully, we are projected to receive some heavy rain tonight which will bring some relief to all, including cars, especially mine. Between the combination of mud, salt, dust and now pollen, that zoom zoom is DIRTY. So dirty my cousins took pleasure in writing me ‘cute’ messages on my car when I stopped by their house to for a visit.

Anyway, things have settled down a bit this morning in the office from the last 2 days. I have only 2 things scheduled on my calendar…aaahhh bliss. Today is Thursday which means I will be seeing my kids today- all 10 of them. I can’t wait to hear what stories adventures Buddy will be telling me about today, should be fun.

Well I'm off to go complete one task on my calendar.

1 comment:

  1. Lol ok.. Hope you good?
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    Please vote for 2cute4u's poem titled FOR ME YOU AND THEY
    She wrote it for JOS
