Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Case of the missing passport

What do you do?

You are getting ready to head out to the airport to board an international flight in a few hours…when you realize your passport is no where to be found.

That happened to me about 2 months ago.

About four hours to my scheduled departure time, as I started to do one last check of everything I would need for my trip back, I realized I had everything else but my passport. Now I’m usually the calm in the face of adversity type of person so my first natural thought was, “it has got to be somewhere in here, just look around”. So, my first line of action was to empty my purse and thoroughly search through it. Nothing. Next, I unpacked my luggage and went through every single item just in case I had accidentally packed it in there somewhere… still nothing. I then looked under the bed, inside and underneath all the night stands, dressers, drawers, trash can (ew!) and every other piece of furniture in the room like a crazy person, in the event that it had accidentally ended up there somehow. Same result, NOTHING.

Okay.....time to back track and try to think of the last time I saw it then I realized- about 5 days prior, I had brought my passport along with me because we were going to go to the airport and I was told to bring it with me to allow me entry into the airport. We ended up not going to the airport that day but then I remembered, I had briefly taken out all the contents of my tiny satchel to get to my wallet while we were stopped over at a tiny restaurant for dinner….and that’s when panic begun to set in. OH MY GOD, I HAD LOST MY PASSPORT!!!!!

So I freaked out, but only for about 5 minutes lol. Then I started to think of the next steps...call the airline to let them know about my situation (like they would really give two craps), report my passport as missing and then begin the process of applying for a replacement passport or some sort of emergency travel document the following day. I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized; I had absolutely no proof of citizenship with me, yikes. That was when I really started to panic. How was I going to prove to the consulate that I was indeed a lawful citizen and needed assistance? I couldn’t think straight after that realization, so I stopped everything I was doing, including thinking- and at the time, the million thoughts running through my head each second were very irrational- to clear my head for a few minutes.

After I cleared my head and calmed down, I had a strong inclination to go through my wallet for some odd reason. I wasn’t sure what I was looking in my wallet for, but I just knew I had to look in my wallet…and that was when I found my voter ID card. YES! One proof of citizenship!!!!! Woo hoo! Coming off of the excitement of finding my voter ID, I reached for my iPad for another unexplained reason and what do you know, my passport comes flying out from behind the case…yeah. Needless to say, I said a quick prayer of thanks and did my happy dance for 10 straight minutes with the biggest, cheesiest and goofiest grin on my face, and then I was off to the airport to catch my flight with ZERO problems after that.

I’ve never ‘lost’ any document of such importance and as such, learned a very important lesson from that experience. I heeded to the advice from the Department of State as soon as I got back home: Always have at least 2 copies of your passport handy when traveling…one copy should be in your possession and kept in a safe place, and the other copy should be kept by a trusted person.

I have 10 copies of my passport now, because I never want to be caught in a situation like that ever again!

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